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Fresh Out of The Kiln

I unloaded the kiln bright and early this morning to see what wonderful surprised might have occurred during this firing. While glazing each piece I have a mental picture of how it will turn out. Each time you open the kiln you discover things that turned out how you...

Ode to my Roadie

Ok, I’m not really sure what constitutes an Ode, nor am I really aware of how one is written. But what I am sure of is, I could never do the sales away from home without my hardworking roadie. Pottery is really heavy to cart around and a hardworking roadie is a...

Finished texture

A while ago, I posted a photo and explanation of one of the ways I textured clay to make my pottery. The photo showed a cob of corn being used to prepare a slab of clay which was being made into a serving plate. Well, here is what the texture turns out like after it...

The day before

The day before glazing day is waxing day. As I’ve mentioned before, I produce pottery like many potters, in cycles. First throwing, followed by trimming/altering, bisque firing, waxing, glazing and glaze firing. Yesterday was waxing day. Prior to being glazed,...