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Mud Oven – Part 3

We’re in the home stretch with the construction of this mud oven. Lots of times all the steps we’ve done over the past few weekends could have been done over a couple days, but since we’re only around on weekends, we’ve had to space the steps...

I’d Like You To Meet…

As many of you know, my daughter Gabby, is a tattoo artist in St. Paul, Minnesota. She completed her 18 month apprenticeship a few months ago and is now a full fledged tattoo artist. Tattoo artists all have interesting stories about the people who visit their shop and...

Mud Oven – part 2

This past weekend, my husband put the next layer of mud on the oven. I wasn’t able to be around, so there are quite a few less photos, but he was busy with the mud so I guess that’s OK.First he cut the door area out of the first layer of mud he’d...

Look… a distraction!

While not-so-patiently waiting for the kiln to cool and the things I threw yesterday to be ready to trim, I’ve used my time to prepare some photos to list things in my Etsy shop. Editing photos is kind of a tedious task for me, but it’s a necessity in the...


What they’re supposed to look likeEarlier this week, I had several custom pieces in the kiln for a glaze fire. Wouldn’t you know — I had a kiln failure during the slow cool which is essential to create the deep Iron Red colors these pieces were...