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Last weekend I participated in the Bluff County Studio Art Tour in Southeastern Minnesota. The tour is an annual event where area artists open their studios for visitor, providing demonstrations and sales of their works. Since the driveway to our place is pretty nasty in the unpredictable spring weather, I was fortunate the fun loving folks at Clover Gallery, Sharyl, Carol and Ralph, agreed to host my pottery display in their space. I was joined there by glass artist Suzanne Merkel of LaCrescent. The weekend weather was very cool and rainy, but I think that provided more traffic for the event since people couldn’t do things outside. If you can’t play in the sunny garden, what better way to make the most of a rainy weekend than traveling around visiting the areas artists?

This was my first time participating as an artist in the tour, so it was fun to be on the other side of the event. I was very impressed with the students from Austin Middle School’s Art Club who made the journey to visit many of the studios. The kids were very well behaved, seemed very interested in what the artists were demonstrating and had great questions. I commend their school district for allowing their students the day to attend. What a great learning experience! Here’s a picture of them as Suzanne discussed her glass works with them.

All in all, it was a very successful and fun weekend I look forward to doing again next year. I may even consider having it at our place since we are planning to have the driveway improvements done this summer. We’ll see.
Thanks for visiting – stop by again.