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French butter dishes or keepers have been a staple in my pottery stock for many years. Basically, you place (squish) a softened stick of salted butter in the lid and about ½” or so of water in the base. When the lid is covering the base, the water creates a seal on the butter container and keeps it from spoiling. This way you can leave the dish sit out and always have soft butter without having to worry about it spoiling. It also keeps the butter from getting that dried out look it gets if you just leave a stick sitting out uncovered. Here is one in use on my table.

I sell them just about as fast as I make them, and customers who have bought them in the past come back to purchase them as gifts for family and friends. Here are a couple I made recently.

I’ve been experimenting with adding some textures around the lid. On the first one I applied texture using the grinder inside a pencil sharpener to make a kind of hatched pattern. The second one I gouged out small circular divots in rows around the lid. Each have a very different look which appeals to an individuals taste.