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Feb 2016 before after

The last few days of February were spent firing our wood kiln.  The firing was pretty uneventful, a bit windy but otherwise good weather.  We unloaded the kiln this past Saturday.  There were lots of really nice pots, a few “wow” pots and a couple “eeh gawd” pots, like most other firings.  Here are some photos of my favorites.

woodfired striped mugs

woodfired oblong vases

woodfired container


The oblong vases on the left were made last summer and I finally got them into a firing.  I really like this shape and will be making more of them.


My next firing is in mid-April and will be unloaded during our kiln opening party as party of the Bluff Country Studio Art Tour.  If you are in SE Minnesota you should plan to visit during this event.