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It really seems like I’ve been neglecting everything lately. My garden isn’t planted yet. I don’t have anywhere near a comfortable inventory for my late June show marathon (three shows in 10 days). And my house and studio are huge messes. Prioritizing the things I needed to attend to even seems like a daunting task. Fortunately, it’s a rainy, dreary, 50 degree day here in Minnesota so the garden isn’t really an option, and cleaning messes is always the last on the list so I was able to work on some inventory.

Here are several oval platters in various stages of completeness. Some have been textured and are drying (slowly, did I mention it’s raining?). Others are drying (still slowly) to get to the point where they can be textured.

I also made a series of bottom less baking dishes which will be shaped into oblongs before bottoms are made from slabs and attached. They also need to dry (you guessed it, slowly) to a point where they can be handled and shaped.

All this slow drying though has provided time to write this blog post which I’ve also been neglecting. Next up, new listings on my Etsy shop.
Stop in again, I’ll try not to whine so much. Be well.