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This week between Christmas and New Years is a great time to take a little break from the day to day studio activities, reflect on the past year and formulate a direction for the upcoming year. There is something about putting the progress and new goals in writing (not to mention on the web for all to see) that makes them more realistic and keeps me working toward these improvements.

Generally, 2009 was a year of growth for my business. Sales showed only slight growth, but I view the growth more in presence as very valuable. A couple new, very enjoyable shows were added to my schedule. One new brick and mortar venue (The Market on Oak) was added to my list of outlets, but unfortunately, the Clover Gallery in Harmony closed.

Joining two Etsy based teams, HandmadeMN and Etsy Mud Team, has been invaluable in providing a diverse network of peers to bounce ideas off, discuss trends and challenge myself by participating in team challenges. This year I also added Facebook and Twitter to my social networking resources.

The goal I was most excited about for 2009 was partially met. The kiln shed was completed and I anticipate the construction of the kiln in 2010.

So… for 2010 I look forward to construction of a wood fired kiln and a bread oven. I’d like to promote sales growth by adding another brick & mortar sales venue and a couple more weekend sales between my husband’s running events. Cleaning and reorganizing the studio/garage is a must for the upcoming year. And lastly, I’d like always keep a healthy perspective when it comes to social media and team activities. I must remember to spend less time on these activities than I do on make pots.

Well – there it is in writing for everyone to see. No going back on it now.
Best wishes to you for the New Year.