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Glazing Day

Today was glazing day. For several weeks I make pottery, bisque firing as I have a full kiln load. And then when I’ve probably got three or four bisque loads stockpiled, I spend a day or two waxing the foot rings and glazing everything. The kiln gets loaded and...

Good Example of a Bad Example

It’s a major no no to open the kiln when it’s running. But I can’t help sneaking a peek at the pots while they are firing. This photo was at just over 1500 deg F. The pots are just starting to glow from the heat. A bisque load like this will fire for...

Necessary Evil

I unloaded a load of bisqueware from the kiln today and realized my kiln shelves are in need of some TLC. Kiln wash is great stuff, but still doesn’t take the place of regular shelf care. Cleaning shelves has to be my least favorite task in creating pottery....


I wanted to make some cards to go with my garlic roasters and wanted to use a photo of a roasted garlic bulb on the front of the cards. So this afternoon I roasted garlic, filling the house with the wonderful aroma. The photos turned out good too. They’ll make...

Empty Bowls

I was recently contacted by the Rosemount High School Art Teacher regarding an Empty Bowls event their students were holding. They were in need of bowls to be used as part of this fundraising event for hunger programs. I greatly appreciate being included in this...

Winter Day

There is lots of fresh new snow in SE Minnesota at Old Crow Studio, so I took the opportunity to use the cold beauty as a back drop for some fresh new pots. Some people play in the snow making snow angels, I just move pots around in the snow seeing what way they look...