There’s been lots of activity here, but not a lot that’s new. Winter in Minnesota (even though it’s been an incredibly mild one) usually involves lots of catching up on activities that get put off while the weather is nice. The past two weeks, we’ve gone to the movie theater twice and done dinner with friends numerous times. We never get to do much of that during the summer with sales, firings and other outdoor activities taking priority.
Along with all our socializing, I’ve been spending more time in the studio. Throw, throw, throw, trim, trim, trim, bisque and stack in a storage tub for upcoming firings this spring and summer. For the past few years I’ve been trying to make most of my work for summer shows during the winter so I can feel less stressed during the summers. So far, it’s been pretty successful and I’m planning to stick with it.
Hope your winter is going well and you too are able to spend some time catching up before busy spring and summer months.
Be well.
I like catching up in the winter as well… I have two little shows this weekend, but it's nice to not have to worry about inventory for a big show when there is a foot of snow outside and it's 12 degrees. 🙂
I've been using this time to restock some inventory and experiment with some different forms. I'm also trying to arrange a volunteer day at the county animal shelter.
It sounds like you're spending the time really well too.