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Art Tour Follow Up

Last weekend I participated in the Bluff County Studio Art Tour in Southeastern Minnesota. The tour is an annual event where area artists open their studios for visitor, providing demonstrations and sales of their works. Since the driveway to our place is pretty nasty...

9th Annual Bluff Country Studio Art Tour – Revised images

Who’s tired of hearing about the economy?I know I am and I’m betting you are too. So… no talk about the economy here. Actually, I’m suggesting an escape that will guarantee you don’t think about the economy or any of the negative, doom and gloom press that goes with...

Out with the Old

Happy New Year everybody!It’s a time of hope for what the New Year could bring and also a time of reflection. How did last year go? What went really well? What made it work? What could be improved? It’s time to close the books (literally and metaphorically) on 2008...